Especially in April, the weather likes to go crazy, but every year we horse people are surprised again and face the recurrent problem: blanket or blanket on it?
The first warm rays of the sun
Temperatures over 15 degrees and good mood - mean grill out and grilling in the first place, but in reverse also covers. Our four-legged friends enjoy the comforting warmth just like us. But what if the nights are still chillingly cold or one rain shower chases the next? A ceiling service is offered in the at least stables and even fewer horse owners have the opportunity to even up or down the blankets every day. So it's best to start a discussion round in the wide world of the internet.
Grandma's saying
Although April haunts the back of everyone's mind, each and every one of them does it again and again, quite surprised, when the weather in April gets a little crazy. In the morning still bright sun, but hardly after noon breaks a rain shower unparalleled about us. The next day everything seems to be all right again, but the weather forecast predicts bad things: The next days again temperatures around 0 degrees.
Actually, one should think that the winter blankets in April should be well stowed in the closet should lie, but in these temperature fluctuations, I'm even inclined my pony again put on the padded blanket or just prefer the rain blanket? Thin, light, rain repellent and above all wind impermeable. That then some horse owners run in midsummer at 28 degrees panic on the meadow to hang the favorite the rain cover, as soon as a refreshing summer storm approaches, let's ignore. But what are we going to do in April? Anyway, horses that are not shorn can already stand without a blanket in this weather, those who did not have a blanket over the winter months anyway, but with the shaved faction that's not that easy.
In the meantime, a heated debate has also surfaced on the Internet about this topic: anyway they had no blanket over the winter months anyway, but with the shaved faction that's just not that easy. In the meantime, a heated debate has also surfaced on the Internet about this topic: anyway they had no blanket over the winter months anyway, but with the shaved faction that's just not that easy. In the meantime, a heated debate has also surfaced on the Internet about this topic:
Random Rider A : "If you did not always cut off your horses' coat, you would not have the problem now!"
Random rider B : "I find it impossible that all horses must always be lumped together".
Random rider C : "Awwwwwww, is this a sweet horse"!
Random Reiter D : "So sorry, but my mouse just can not stand the changeable weather so well, so I have a cover on it now."
Random rider B : "Probably your horse is in the pits anyway 24/7, no wonder it can not stand it".
At this point
I did not pursue the discussion and again completely devoted to my pony, who stood shivering at 5 degrees without a blanket outside. One thing is clear to me: Everyone has to decide for their own horses. This has nothing to do with race, age, height or coat color - every horse is different.
As I cover Alin, I imagine the rest of the discussion, if I had meddled:
Me : "I also preferred to lay a blanket on my Haflinger".
Random rider E : "Are you crazy? This is a mountain horse and comes from the Alps! They are there all year round on the alp, even in the dead of winter!"
Me : "Funny, so passport says my pony from Hannover and has never been to an alpine pasture. Except of course the büxt secretly at night, everyone knows the wild Haflinger who travel 900 kilometers in one night, just for the fresh air to sniff ".
Bye for now