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Horse Agility: The Special Health Program

Anyone visiting Hof Steigerwald in Hilgermissen for the first time will hardly believe his eyes. Here is trained...

Wild Horses in the Heath

We accompanied Sebastian Nolewajka and his Mustang mare Equiteam's Shy Miller aka Day 3348 for one day during their...

Well Prepared For The Cold Season

Tips and tricks for the winter The days are getting shorter, it gets uncomfortable outside. Winter is approaching...

Finally Grazing Time

With spring the most beautiful time of the year starts for many horses: the grazing time. But Weidetor on, horses...

Healthy and Cheerful Through The Grazing Season

Willow time, warm time, wonderful time - if you pay attention to a few important things. Thus, the grazing is not...

All The Luck of The Earth ?!

This blog is for horse owners, and those who want to become one. There are 1000 good reasons to buy a horse, but...

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